Situations Matter Page 27
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above-average self-perception
Abramson, Lyn
Abu Ghraib prison abuse
anonymity and
public commitment
advertising. See consumer behavior
anonymity and
Milgram obedience study
testosterone and
of women
Alexander, Matthew
Alloy, Lauren
aggression and
in crowds
reduced individual identity
Aron, Art
Asch, Solomon
attention span in urban environments
arousal preceding
Capilano Suspension Bridge study
flexibility in
forbidden relationships
in helping behavior
mate selectivity
need to bond
personality traits
physical characteristics
Westgate housing project study
authority, obedience to
Baldus, David
Bay of Pigs invasion
Batson, Daniel
Bay of Pigs invasion
better-than-average self-perception
category-based associations
Crash (movie)
in employment
exaggeration of intergroup differences
as human nature
ignoring of differences within groups
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
negativity toward out-group
pleasant/white and unpleasant/black associations
positivity toward in-group
pretense of color blindness
to reduce impact of
Bigler, Rebecca
biological factors
arousal and attraction
mate selectivity
spatial skills
body language
Bridge, The (film)
Bulger, James, murder case
bystander inaction. See helping behavior
Capilano Suspension Bridge study
absolute terms
automatic nature of
exaggeration of intergroup differences
facility with
ignoring of differences within groups
impact on social behavior
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
pleasant/white and unpleasant/black associations
reliance upon
celebrity endorsements
chameleon effect
character-based assumptions
assuming perspective of others
behavior at particular point in time
Conundrum of the Game Show Host
failure to acknowledge context
of friends and family
illogical decisions
in jury decisions
mental effort in considering alternatives
positive self-assessment
for reassurance and sense of stability
recognition of situational influences
stock personalities
charitable appeals
Cialdini, Robert
cities, helping behavior in
cognitive functioning
effort in understanding of situation
overload in urban environments
in reliance upon stereotypes
commitment norms
comparisons, in self-evaluation
advantages of
allies in dissent
Asch line study
automatic nature of
awareness of tendency toward
Bay of Pigs invasion
chameleon effect
commitment norms
cult behavior
Milgram obedience study
military system
mindlessness in
modeling of desirable actions
path of least resistance
persuasive leaders
public accountability
reciprocity norms
reduced individual identity
in unfamiliar situations
See also crowds
consumer behavior
celebrity endorsements
charitable appeals
compliance with direct requests
consideration of multiple possibilities
framing and sales pitch
cultural differences in attention to
default unawareness of
influence on behavior and experiences
See also character-based assumptions
Conundrum of the Game Show Host
conversational norms
Crash (movie)
criminal justice
character-based jury decisions
coerced confessions
death penalty cases
terrorist interrogation strategies
anonymity in
bystander inaction
cognitive overload in
cycle of inaction
diffusion of responsibility
failure to recognize emergencies in
influence over
perceived wisdom of
See also conformity
Cuban Missile Crisis
cult behavior
cultural influences
awareness of background and context
See also social norms
Curb Your Enthusiasm (television program)
Darley, John
Dateline NBC conformity study
dating norms
David, Larry
death penalty cases
Dutton, Donald
emergencies. See helping behavior
emotional state
influence of strangers on
employment bias
England, Lynndie
familiarity, attraction and
fashion conformity
female-male differences. See gender gap
forbidden relationships
friendship. See attraction
gender gap
biological distinctions
entrenched assumptions
mate selectivity
math performance
to reshape expectations
socialization hypothesis
social norms
spatial skills
Genovese, Catherine “Kitty,” murder case
Gilbert, Dan
group affiliation
exaggeration of intergroup differences
ignoring of differences within groups
leadership from within group
negativity toward out-group
positivity toward in-group
rejection of norm violator
flexible self-assessment
generosity and
Harris, Victor
hate. See bias
Heaven’s Gate cult
helping behavior
awareness of tendency for nonintervention
bystander inaction
cost/benefit analysis of intervention
cycle of inaction
diffusion of responsibility
failure to recognize emergencies
feeling of anonymity
to get help
Good Samaritan laws
mood and
physical appearance of person in need
reciprocity in
time pressure and
in urban environments
Hines, Kevin
Hughes, Cameron
identity. See individuality; self-perception
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
inaction. See helping behavior
conformity and
as cultural construct
to foster
See also self-perception
Influence (Cialdini)
in-group positivity
Innocence Project
interrogation strategies
Janis, Irving
Jones, Ned
Journal of Arthroplasty
from within group
obedience to authority
role of context in
Liverpool 38 abduction witnesses
love. See attraction
male-female differences. See gender gap
mate selectivity
math performance
Mendez, Ignacio, death of
mental effort
ease of reliance upon stereotypes
overload in urban environments
in understanding of situation
Milgram, Stanley
on conformity in Holocaust genocide
obedience studies
on urban sensory process
military conformity
mindlessness, in conformity
mind-set, flexible versus fixed
mood. See emotional state
Nisbett, Dick
norms for social behavior. See social norms
obedience to authority
obstacles, attraction and
out-group negativity
Peoples Temple cult
personality. See character-based assumptions
prejudice. See bias
Project Implicit
proximity, attraction and
Quinn, Diane
automatic nature of
color blindness
in conversational norms
death penalty cases
pleasant/white and unpleasant/black associations
attraction and
conformity and
helping behavior and
relationships. See attraction
Ringelmann, Max
Save the Children appeal
Schachter, Stanley
Schlesinger, Arthur
Seinfeld (television show)
of ability to evaluate behavior
better-than-average effect
comparisons with others
cultural influence on
distortion of truth
ego enhancement
flexible versus fixed mind-set
influence of strangers on
situation-based qualities
through introspection
Twenty Statements Test
sex differences. See gender gap
similarity, attraction and
Singer, Jerome
cultural differences in attention to
default unawareness of
influence on behavior and experiences
See also character-based assumptions
socialization hypothesis of gender differences
social norms
reshaping of
societal role of
violation of
spatial skills
Speed (movie)
Spencer, Steve
Steel, Eric
Steele, Claude
stereotypes. See bias
Stumbling on Happiness (Gilbert)
Summers, Larry
Surowiecki, James
Tajfel, Henri
Tankleff, Marty
depiction of interracial interactions
exploration of social norms
familiar stock characters
time pressure, helping behavior and
Twenty Statements Test
urban tunnel vision
video games, spatial skills and
Wegner, Dan
Westgate housing project study
When Harry Met Sally (movie)
Wilson, Tim
Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki)
aggressive behavior
mate selectivity
spatial skills
Worden, Christopher, murder case
WYSIWYG. See character-based assumptions
Zhang, Juan, murder case
a Technically speaking, “sex” is a biological descriptor and “gender” is a social construction related to roles, perceptions, and identity. Colloquially, however, we tend to use these two terms more or less interchangeably, as many a demographic questionnaire illustrates. So in this chapter, you’ll see phrases like “sex difference” and “gender gap” used more or less interchangeably as well.